Increase the return! Does your pricing strategy take into consideration your changing risk?
LAreturn enables you to build a stronger, more resilient portfolio by obtaining the risk-adjusted return of your customers. Calculate the risk-adjusted return on asset (RAROA) or the risk-adjusted return on capital (RAROC) of every loan to a selected customer, including the profitability of the total customer relationship.
- Accurately price your loans at origination
- Manage the total customer relationship as opposed to each loan
- Understand your return before and after you make a new loan
- No longer only look at spreads… see your actual risk-adjusted returns
- Transform your loan officers into portfolio managers
Learn More About LoanAnalytics LAreturn Today!
See for yourself how LoanAnalytics LAreturn enables you to:
- Transform your loan officers into portfolio managers
- Price loans based on your cost NOT the competition
- Manage total relationships not individual loans
- Maintain your returns while adding or modifying loans
Schedule a web demonstration